Sunday, November 05, 2006


Idan had a Halloween Party in hs class the last day before their fall vacation, on Wednesday, October 25th. He said he went trick-or-treating to the other classrooms. That was the only trick-or-treating he did. They don't really do it in France.

Idan in the morning before we left for school. It was so dark out, even though it was 8 a.m.

Since they don't do Halloween here, we took Idan to Disneyland for the Halloween Party.

Idan was so excited to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride dressed as Buzz.

Idan got a lot of attention dressed as "Buzz L'Eclair". Everyone else was dressed up in scary costumes.

Jamison scored more points than Idan did on the ride.

Idan was afraid of Captain Hook, but was willing to take his picture with this Peter Pan character instead.

Unfortunately, the party didn't start until 8:30 p.m. and Idan fell asleep just after 10! He said he had a great time though.
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